Saving Money and Cold Calls

Every day my clients are getting cold calls about benefits. They claim to offer something, bold, unique and different, but generally, they will tell you how much money they will save you. They have no idea about the current benefit program in place, your dealings with your consultant, steps taken in the past, changes of carriers or issues within your organization.

This is part of the business and not just in Group Insurance. I’m blessed to have great clients who understand what they have in their benefits, the costs attributed and the options available to them. Anyone can save you money by moving a plan and changing coverages, but as is the case with your business, it is about relationships, you and your partners working together and forging relationships that are mutually beneficial and result in the long-term “common good”. Sometimes relationships with the insurer go “sideways” or you need reductions to help during a difficult time; your consultant can help you with solutions to the issues at hand. A consultant who understands your needs and wants, and is able to provide you with solutions when needed is crucial

About Us

AF Group Benefits specializes in Group Benefits which is an ever expanding and complex field.

AF Group Benefits are responsible for the management of group benefit plans, performing the service, administration, analysis, renewal and marketing reports in addition to conducting face-to-face meetings and training sessions with clients.

We are responsible for approximately 150 clients, inforce, ranging from 2-800 lives and a book of business in excess of $18,000,000. We represent among others: Manulife, Canada Life, Sun Life, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Medavie Blue Cross, RBC Insurance, Desjardins Financial, and associated TPAs resulting in a strong presence in the marketplace that is highlighted by innovative and practical solutions catering to both employers’ and employees’ needs.

Working generally with Co-brokers has allowed us to grow the business and solidify strong industry relations. AF Group Benefits was incorporated in 2007, is fully licenced, with E&O coverage in place.

Let’s Talk
Group Benefits
